What I Help With
Body Shame & Disordered Eating
When we struggle with body shame and disordered eating, they tend to take up an immense amount of space in our brain. Whatever your body size, I’ll introduce you to concepts from Health At Every Size®, Body Trust®, and fat liberation, and help you forge a kind, trusting relationship with your body, and a peaceful relationship with food.
I especially love supporting those in fat bodies and those who struggle with binge eating. (And in case it’s not already clear, I use the word “fat” in a reclaimed sense! There is no shame in being fat!)
Trauma, PTSD & Shame
My clients are often people who’ve experienced relational traumas (i.e., traumas that happened in the context of relationships, such as neglect and abuse) and/or developmental traumas (i.e., traumas that happened during childhood).
These experiences often lead to a type of trauma known as “complex trauma” or “C-PTSD”. Intense shame is often a key feature, as well as having a cruel inner critic and feeling worthless. Symptoms like depression and anxiety can also be underpinned by trauma and my work can also help with these.
Chronic Illness & Pain
I live with both chronic illness and chronic pain due to a condition called Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. I know the misogyny, hostility, disinterest, gaslighting, and fatphobia that occur routinely within the medical system, and the tolls these can take on mental health—as if the tolls of living with pain and illness aren’t enough!
I am here to accompany you in your experiences of chronic illness and chronic pain. We can explore the emotional impacts (like grief, anger, sadness), process experiences of disability and ableism, and help you find moments of contentment and joy despite bodily obstacles.
Additional Concerns
While the above issues are specialties of mine, it doesn’t mean that if you have another issue I’ll automatically turn you away! We humans are multifaceted and we bring our whole selves to therapy, which means we bring all sorts of life experiences and mental health challenges along with us. I can help with depression, anxiety, and many other concerns.
I start each counseling relationship with a free consultation call. Together we’ll explore what’s bringing you to therapy. If for any reason you need support that I think will be better offered by another clinician, I will point you to some of my colleagues who have relevant expertise.